Online Bootstrap Editor | Online Bootstrap Compiler

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Vaping is seen as a healthier option due to the lack of smoke and tar, but still contains nicotine, making it an attractive option for those who want to quit smoking. With the rise in popularity, it’s no surprise that some states have higher rates of vaping than others. So, which state smokes the most <a href="">vape products</a>?</p> <p>According to a survey conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the state that smokes the most vapes is California. The survey found that nearly one in five (19.3%) adults in California reported using e-cigarettes in 2017, the highest rate in the nation. The states with the next highest rates of vaping were Alaska (17.1%), Oregon (16.9%), and Washington (16.2%).</p> <p>These results are not surprising, as California has long been a leader in the fight against smoking. The state was the first to ban smoking in public places and workplaces in 1995, and has since implemented a variety of policies aimed at reducing smoking rates. This includes raising the minimum age to purchase tobacco products to 21, increasing taxes on cigarettes, and banning flavored tobacco products. These policies have had a positive effect on smoking rates in the state, with the CDC reporting that only 10.3% of adults in California smoked cigarettes in 2017, the lowest rate in the nation.</p> <p>It seems that the same policies that have helped reduce smoking rates in California have also had a positive effect on vaping rates. The state’s higher taxes on cigarettes, combined with its ban on flavored tobacco products, have likely made vaping a more attractive option for those looking to quit smoking. Additionally, California’s higher minimum age for purchasing tobacco products may have also contributed to the higher rate of vaping in the state, as young adults are more likely to use e-cigarettes than those over the age of 21.</p> <p>Although California has the highest rate of vaping in the nation, other states are not far behind. Alaska, Oregon, and Washington all have rates of vaping that are above the national average of 14.8%. Additionally, several other states have rates of vaping that are close to the national average, including Colorado (14.7%), Vermont (14.6%), and Massachusetts (14.5%).</p> <p>Overall, it appears that states with higher taxes on cigarettes, stricter <a href="">laws regarding the purchase of tobacco products</a>, and bans on flavored tobacco products tend to have higher rates of vaping. This is likely due to the fact that these policies make vaping a more attractive option for those looking to quit smoking. As more states continue to implement these types of policies, it is likely that the rate of vaping in the United States will continue to rise.</p> </body> </html>

About Online Bootstrap Compiler

Try our Online Bootstrap Editor | Online Bootstrap Compiler (Version Bootstrap (3.3.1)) to Edit, Run, and Share your Bootstrap Code directly from your browser. This online development environment provides you the latest version Bootstrap (3.3.1).

How to use Online Bootstrap Editor | Online Bootstrap Compiler?

Write and Execute Code

  • Write your program (or, paste it) directly under the "Source Code" tab.
  • If you want to save your program, go to the "Project" menu and save it.
  • You can directly execute your program without saving it by clicking on on "Execute" button.

User Input

The latest version of Coding Ground allows to provide program input at run time from the termnial window exactly the same way as you run your program at your own computer. So simply run a program and provide your program input (if any) from the terminal window available in the right side.

Online Bootstrap Editor | Online Bootstrap Compiler: Keyboard Shortcuts

The following are the keyword shortcut of this Online Bootstrap Editor | Online Bootstrap Compiler:

⌘ + EnterRun the program
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Ctrl + EnterRun the program
Ctrl + SSave Project
Shift + Ctrl + SSave As Project
Ctrl + GShare Project
Ctrl + ZUndo Editing
Ctrl + YRedo Editing
Ctrl + ASelect All Text
Ctrl + XCut Selected Text
Ctrl + CCopy Selected Text
Ctrl + VPaste Copied Text
Ctrl + FSearch Text
Ctrl + HReplace Text

Online Bootstrap Editor | Online Bootstrap Compiler: Save and Share Bootstrap Code (Project)

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You can save your Bootstrap Project with us so that you can access this project later on. To save a project you will need to create a login Id with us. So before you save a project, please create a login Id using a link given at the top right corner of this page.

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More Features of Online Bootstrap Editor | Online Bootstrap Compiler

  • Theme – You can change the current editor's theme from the "Editor Theme" option under "Settings" menu.
  • Font Size – You can change the font size of the editor /compiler from from the "Font Size" option under "Settings" menu.
  • Tab Size – You can change the tab size from the "Tab Size" option under "Settings" Menu.
  • Show/Hide Line Numbers – You can show/hide the line number with the code from the "Show Line Numbers" or "Hide Line Numbers" option under "Settings" Menu.
  • And, many more.

Benefits of Using Online Bootstrap Editor | Online Bootstrap Compiler

There are several benefits of using the Online Bootstrap Editor | Online Bootstrap Compiler to run your Bootstrap code:

  • Platform independence: You can run your code from any device without taking care of operating systems.
  • Convenience: You don't need to install anything for using this.
  • No setup required: There is no need for additional setup to run your code.
  • Updated version: Our online compiler/editors/terminals are the latest up-to-date.
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