Online Asm Compiler

; Running example to count one digits in a given range (author: fcdt) ; section .text global _start _start: ; First function call mov ebx, 1 ; Range start mov ecx, 100 ; Range end call countOnes ; Output first test result mov eax, edi mov edi, outputBuffer mov esi, resultMask call outputResult push edi push esi ; Second function call mov ebx, 11 ; Range start mov ecx, 200 ; Range end call countOnes ; Output second test result mov eax, edi pop esi pop edi call outputResult push edi push esi ; Third function call mov ebx, 123 ; Range start mov ecx, 678 ; Range end call countOnes ; Output third test result mov eax, edi pop esi pop edi call outputResult ; Output to stdout mov edx, edi mov ecx, outputBuffer ; pointer to output data sub edx, ecx ; data length mov ebx, 1 ; file descriptor (stdout) mov eax, 4 ; system call number (sys_write) int 0x80 mov eax, 1 ; system call number (sys_exit) int 0x80 ; Helper Function to output test results outputResult: movzx ecx, byte [esi] ; Load length of data to be copied inc esi ; esi points to begin of data rep movsb mov ecx, 10 ; Convert value in eax to decimal and save xor ebx, ebx ; ASCII-representation in memory pointed to loop1: ; by edi cdq div ecx inc ebx test eax, eax push edx jnz loop1 loop2: pop eax or al, '0' mov [edi], al inc edi dec ebx jnz loop2 ret ; Function to count 1's in decimal representation of numbers in given range countOnes: xor edi, edi ; 31 FF Set edi = 0 (counter for result) lea esi, [edi+10] ; 8D 77 0A Set esi = 10 notFinished: mov eax, ecx ; 89 C8 eax contains the number to be checked next notZero: xor edx, edx ; 31 D2 div esi ; F7 F6 Separate digit from current number cmp dl, 1 ; 80 FA 01 Check if this digit was one jne notOne ; 75 01 inc edi ; 47 When the digit was one, increase counter notOne: test eax, eax ; 85 C0 jnz notZero ; 75 F2 Loop until all digits of current number are checked cmp ebx, ecx ; 39 CB loopnz notFinished ; E0 EC Loop until end of range is reached ret ; C3 ; Mask for pretty output section .data resultMask db 12,'[1, 100] -> ' db 14,10,'[11, 200] -> ' db 15,10,'[123, 678] -> ' ; Allocate space for output buffer section .bss outputBuffer resb 256

About Online Asm Compiler

Try our Online Asm Compiler (Version Nasm v2.15.05) to Edit, Run, and Share your Asm Code directly from your browser. This online development environment provides you the latest version Nasm v2.15.05.

How to use Online Asm Compiler?

Write and Execute Code

  • Write your program (or, paste it) directly under the "Source Code" tab.
  • If you want to save your program, go to the "Project" menu and save it.
  • You can directly execute your program without saving it by clicking on on "Execute" button.

User Input

The latest version of Coding Ground allows to provide program input at run time from the termnial window exactly the same way as you run your program at your own computer. So simply run a program and provide your program input (if any) from the terminal window available in the right side.

Online Asm Compiler: Keyboard Shortcuts

The following are the keyword shortcut of this Online Asm Compiler:

⌘ + EnterRun the program
⌘ + SSave Project (Login Required)
⇧ + ⌘ + SSave As Project
⌘ + PNew Project
⌘ + GShare Project
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⌘ + ASelect All Text
⌘ + XCut Selected Text
⌘ + CCopy Selected Text
⌘ + VPaste Copied Text
⌘ + FSearch Text
⌘ + ⌥ + FReplace Text
Ctrl + EnterRun the program
Ctrl + SSave Project
Shift + Ctrl + SSave As Project
Ctrl + GShare Project
Ctrl + ZUndo Editing
Ctrl + YRedo Editing
Ctrl + ASelect All Text
Ctrl + XCut Selected Text
Ctrl + CCopy Selected Text
Ctrl + VPaste Copied Text
Ctrl + FSearch Text
Ctrl + HReplace Text

Online Asm Compiler: Save and Share Asm Code (Project)

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You can save your Asm Project with us so that you can access this project later on. To save a project you will need to create a login Id with us. So before you save a project, please create a login Id using a link given at the top right corner of this page.

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You can use this feature to share your Asm Code with your teachers, classmates and colleagues. Just click Share Button and it will create a short link, which can be shared through Email, WhatsApp or even through Social Media. A shared link will be deleted if it has been passive for almost 3 months.

More Features of Online Asm Compiler

  • Theme – You can change the current editor's theme from the "Editor Theme" option under "Settings" menu.
  • Font Size – You can change the font size of the editor /compiler from from the "Font Size" option under "Settings" menu.
  • Tab Size – You can change the tab size from the "Tab Size" option under "Settings" Menu.
  • Show/Hide Line Numbers – You can show/hide the line number with the code from the "Show Line Numbers" or "Hide Line Numbers" option under "Settings" Menu.
  • And, many more.

Benefits of Using Online Asm Compiler

There are several benefits of using the Online Asm Compiler to run your Asm code:

  • Platform independence: You can run your code from any device without taking care of operating systems.
  • Convenience: You don't need to install anything for using this.
  • No setup required: There is no need for additional setup to run your code.
  • Updated version: Our online compiler/editors/terminals are the latest up-to-date.
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